May 21, 2021

How to Improve Your Website for More Revenue

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Almost everyone in this fast-paced world wants instant results. We want our communication to become faster, we want our food prepared faster and we often become really impatient when it takes long for website pages to load. The patience levels in our current generation are at a record low, as we have all been pampered by the rapid pace of innovation and efficiency around us.

The same impatience is often exhibited by entrepreneurs and digital managers when they are looking to improve revenue generation from their website. If you have a pure ecommerce store, your website is your sole source of revenue generation. However, if you operate at a hybrid level, your sales online will complement the sales you generate from your brick-and-mortar store. In both cases, it is necessary that you learn how to sell through your website and not miss out on effective growth opportunities.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to improving revenue generation from your website. There are ways that you can follow in the long haul, but there aren’t any magical spells to deliver overnight results without consistent efforts.

Most managers undermine the importance of consistent efforts. Managers need to understand that like all other facets of the digital market, conversion rates on your website may take time to improve. Impatience may lead you to disastrous outcomes that may end up doing more bad than good.

In this article we take a look at some of the most common and effective ways to improve your website for more revenue. These proven techniques will improve revenue generation on your website, and will also help build your brand presence online.

Keep Your Home Page Simple

Is your current home page stuffed? Do you believe in putting as much information as you possibly can on your home page? If your answer to any one of these questions was in the affirmative, we have some news for you. A stuffed homepage does not convert and may even prove to be a deterrent for new customers.

This information may be surprising for many of you. Obviously, beginner-level marketers are forced to believe that stuffing as much information as they possibly can on their website’s home page is the only way forward. However, more recent and contemporary research has found that posting limited but quality information on your home page may get you the results you require. Go for quality over quantity when it comes to your home page.

Additionally, when it comes to product placement on your home page, try to add text that is related to your best-selling products, rather than covering all offerings. This will allow you to highlight your star products and answer possible questions visitors might have related to these products.

The home page for Electronic Arts or EA is the perfect example of minimal information on the home page. Although EA offers hundreds of gaming titles and innovative entertainment options, they only mention a few on their home page. This goes to prove that mentioning star performers on the home page is just what you should look to do.

Additionally, removing unnecessary content from your home page may also reduce the burden the page carries. Your home page may take extra time to load if it is stuffed with unnecessary text, pictures, videos and product listings. Reduce that burden by removing the clutter.

Add Videos Where Possible

According to recent research by Mashable, it was found that some of the top landing pages on the internet today saw an increase of almost 86 percent in sales conversions after they added video messages. The presence of unlimited content on the internet means that our brains have grown tired of it. Video content isn’t only refreshing here, but it also helps customers resonate with the key message.

Our brains tend to process visual information faster than text. It is believed that we process and record visual info 60,000 times faster than text info. This means that the average visitor on your website will be able to record and process information faster if it is presented in the form of video than in the form of text.

Video content can also be added to your specific product pages to make them more appealing and aesthetic. Video content will educate customers about product specifications and will also clear away any visual doubts. If you provide a service, you can create an informational video taking the customer through the process.

However, before you go on a video spree and add videos on all pages and categories within your website, make sure that you discuss this with your hosting provider. Videos add additional burden to your website and may increase load times if you don’t have the right hosting plan. Talk to your hosting provider and check the best plan for you based on your needs.

Create Ways to Subscribe Users

Believe it or not, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to open up sales opportunities and conversions using your website. Email marketing produces the best return on investment across all forms of marketing in the digital world and is known to give immediate results to investors.

The thing about email marketing is, however, that you need to get your hands on email addresses from customers. You cannot run an email marketing campaign without actually finding relevant details pertaining to your customers. You can only get these email addresses by creating methods to capture visitors’ email addresses.

The best and most effective method to do so is by offering something of value for free. Ask your customers to input their email addresses, so that you can deliver valuable information related to the industry, or just in general, to them. The more value you provide, the more willing these customers would be to provide their email addresses and subscribe to your plan. Many service providers may even offer a short free trial in return for providing your email address.

Build Trust with Testimonials

Customer testimonials and reviews on your website can work like a charm to prompt other visitors into trying out your products or services. If you don’t currently promote positive comments, testimonials and reviews from your users and visitors then you are missing out on a lot.

Customers like being part of a bandwagon and may think about buying from you if there is a review from another customer that went through the same predicament and decided to buy from you. These testimonials also act as proof that you’ve worked with clients before and can be trusted. Even if you don’t post testimonials on your website, your customers will look up relevant reviews related to your business on social media or Google. It is better to have the required information present on your website to set their perspective right.

Besides just posting testimonials on your website, you also need to come up with a strategy to generate positive testimonials from current and satisfied customers. Know when to ask them for testimonials and also understand the importance of providing an incentive. Give them a discount or a promotion for writing a testimonial on your website.

Create Content for Target Market

Identifying your target market is perhaps the first step for success in the digital world. If you’re looking to succeed online, it is necessary that you understand the general demographics of the people who’ll visit your website and the buying behavior they show online. Knowing this information will help you create content that is relevant to your target market.

Since content is a necessary tool to attract users online, you should ensure that it is in line with what your customers expect. Writing content that is specific to your industry and market segments helps you build your customer base and gives you an opportunity to interact with the right audience.

You may start by creating an effective blog strategy. Your blogs should cater to the needs and requirements of your visitors and should attract them through tools such as SEO and PPC. Once you get the attention of your target audience, keep them hooked through the blog and finish the conversion through an appropriate CTA, or call to action, at the end of the blog.

Incorporate Upselling Strategies

Why settle for less when you can effectively upsell a product and generate more revenue? This is a digital marketing strategy that many businesses around us have incorporated and use for effective growth.

Upselling has for long been used by sellers in brick and mortar stores, and it is time that online buyers also jumped on the bandwagon. According to trends from Shopify, upselling can prove to be over 20 times more effective and result-oriented than simple cross-selling online. The results you get from upselling will help build customer loyalty as well and promote products and services that generate more revenue for your business.

Clearly Explain the Value You Offer

Your brand’s value proposition can be as simple as a couple of lines that effectively promote the value of the services and products you offer.

A good value proposition can drive conversion rates and help grow your revenue. A decent value proposition should have the following characteristics:

  1. It should clearly explain how your product effectively solves a problem faced by your customers.
  2. It should describe the specific benefits you plan through your product or service.
  3. And it should explain why customers should go for your product or service over the ones offered by your competitors.

Once your value proposition has all 3 qualities mentioned above, it will increase revenue and convert more visitors into buyers.

Have Live Chat

Of all the tools and solutions that have come out online recently, live chat is the most convenient one. Live chat makes it easier for businesses to communicate with customers once they first come to the website. These live chats can also be used to answer queries from customers visiting the website. Oftentimes a customer is very near closing a purchase and may back out because there is no one to immediately answer a query they have or clear their confusion.

Live chat can work wonders here as it generates an immediate response for customers. The immediate response also helps customers trust you and gives them an indication of the service standard you intend to set for the future.

Regularly Update Content

One way to improve your website for more revenue is to regularly address objections from customers and give them the kind of service they expect. A recent study by HBR suggested that a good way to ensure more sales online is to keep up with customer trends.

Always remember to go through your website on a frequent basis and pinpoint areas that need improvements. Once you’ve pointed these areas out, you can effectively work on them to signal major improvements. Learn to critically evaluate your website and make sure everything is accessible to customers.

Perform A/B Tests

A good evaluation and improvement technique for your website is to perform A/B tests. Through A/B testing techniques, you can find strategies that work for your business. Entrepreneurs and digital managers are often unable to decide between two templates – CTAs or other design intricacies. A/B testing allows them to test both techniques on different users and see which one led to more sales and growth opportunities.

The template that enables better traffic and better conversion rates should then be implemented and standardized for the future.

Improving your website can be a tiring process if you’re unsure of where to start. With the directions in this article, we hope you’re able to effortlessly manage the process and get the results you require.

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5 Steps To a Winning Website Project

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