Sep 16, 2021

How Startup Founders Can Show Better Leadership in Their Workplace

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As the leader of a start-up, you may not fully grasp what you can do to make your employees’ lives better. However, one way for you to be a great boss is by showing leadership in everything that you do. Strong leadership skills can help your business move smoothly, and keep people positive during their work.

Take Responsibility

If any problems erupt at your company, you, as the leader, ought to take responsibility for everything. Unless your employee was doing something that was illegal, it is likely that you could have done something better. Perhaps there was a gap in communication. Maybe your employees are hesitant to speak to you out of fear.

If the problem could be alleviated with better interaction, then you should address that you didn’t create that environment. Discuss openly with your employee what procedures need to be done, and attempt to improve the situation. If you have someone to report the problem to, keep your employee out of it, and explain why it won’t happen again.

Get Involved in the Normal Operations

Leaders of larger startups can sometimes appear distant and merciless from the employee’s perspective. All they know is that they have a job, someone pays them to do it, and they aren’t necessarily cared for personally. While this may not be the case from the manager’s desk, it can show a lot of compassion and leadership to work on the ground for a day.

A Gemba walk helps you understand what’s happening on a basic level in your business. You can meet all of your employees and get to know them just a little bit better. It also helps you find problems that may be occurring in your company.

Show Your Employees You Care

Overall, just showing that you care can be a good enough way to help your employees. You can do this in numerous ways. An employee of the month program can pay off big time. Giving out monetary awards for particularly hard-working employees can also be effective.

Don’t be afraid to give a compliment to someone every once in a while. This can spur excitement from employees. If they continue to do good, talk raises and position movement. Your workers deserve to feel that they are moving forward in their careers, and you can help them feel that.

As you can see, there is a lot that you can do to show leadership and help lift your employees up. All it takes is some care and focus on being that good role model, and remaining kind in tough situations.

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