Jul 7, 2021

What You Should Ask Customers in a Follow-Up Survey

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Getting customers? Great. Keeping customers? Much better! Your success as a business is closely tied to how well you can retain customers and rely on their positive reviews that will spread to others. In a follow-up survey, you have the chance to ask questions that will help you do just that—so make sure to ask the right questions!

Ask Them About Their Experience

The hardest thing to calculate as you set up a business and create a brand is how customers will experience it. Your view is flawed—but your customer’s experience is hard to calculate. Putting this kind of qualitative question in a follow-up survey is popular for that reason. Some examples of good ways to ask are, “How easily were you able to use our product/service?” or “How are you feeling about our product/service now that you’ve used it/received customer service?” You can even get more general feedback, of course, by just asking, “How was your experience?”

Ask for a Review

Talk about asking customers to leave feedback in the form of a review. While you have a customer taking this survey, it won’t hurt to mention a place they can give more in-depth feedback for your business. It might seem pushy—but in reality, 76 percent of customers will write a review if you ask them to. Especially when the customer ends an interaction or makes a purchase very positively, asking them to consider leaving a review on your Google Business profile for instance will give you the opportunity to showcase customer satisfaction to potential customers who look your business up.

Ask What You Can Do Better

Even if a customer has all good things to say, that doesn’t mean they might not have valuable feedback on ways to improve. In fact, their criticism might be the most constructive because they are more invested in your business’s success. For that reason, never leave out some kind of question in your follow-up survey that asks for suggestions on improvement, and be willing and ready to take such things into consideration if and when multiple people say the same thing. You not only will get helpful criticism—you will also prove your dedication to being the best of the best!

You know surveys help businesses a lot, but without the right questions, you may be just hitting a dead end. Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to hear from a customer by asking about their experience, their critique, and for their more in-depth review! All these things will help your business better succeed and retain the customers it obtains!

Read this next: How to Put Your Business in a Stronger Position for the Future


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