When you have a marketing budget, it is important that you figure out the best way to spend it. No matter what kind of business you are in, there are a few marketing essentials that will put your business on the map and ensure that you have what you need to make your...
When a customer interaction comes to a close, your first impulse may be to simply move on. Instead, make it your goal to follow up on every interaction. By taking the time to thank your customers, follow up on any issues, and implement feedback, you can turn any...
Businesses rely on a steady stream of customers and clients who are willing to do business with them to survive. Every customer is important, but too often the focus tends to be on getting new people in the doors and helping them through the conversion process to land...
So you’ve managed to get consumers coming through your doors and turning them into customers. That’s great! Now if only you could figure out how to get them to keep coming back. Repeat business tends to offer businesses a greater ROI on their marketing investments. So...
A website that is effective and successful is continually developing content in the form of articles, pictures, and videos. The customers can then comment and share this content on their own websites or social media accounts. It has become essential for businesses to...