Starting your own business is a valiant effort. You should be proud that you had an idea and a dream you wanted to put to the test. But being a business owner is challenging and stressful, and while some companies may be successful now, every business owner faces...
Getting customers? Great. Keeping customers? Much better! Your success as a business is closely tied to how well you can retain customers and rely on their positive reviews that will spread to others. In a follow-up survey, you have the chance to ask questions that...
Having a strong business requires a lot of different things: committed employees who take ownership, a good product, and competence in all areas of the business’s workings. Figuring out where you need to improve can require some careful analysis of the different parts...
Looking to the future is something you’re doing constantly as a business owner. Whether it’s to the next phone call or the next quarterly reports, you want to see progress. Figuring out the best plan for your company’s growth over the long haul requires careful...
Whether you’re creating a new business or trying to revamp your current one, it’s important to know what people are looking for. If you can determine this, then you can structure your business to meet people’s wants and needs. This in turn can help you grow your...