Nov 3, 2022

Is SEO the Right Choice For Your Business?

Digital Marketing, SEO | 0 comments

computer with SEO on screen

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making changes to increase your website visibility.

Most never look past the first page of search results, so if you want to be seen and/or discovered, that’s the place to be!

However, a poorly constructed SEO strategy could also hinder your business.

So how do you figure out whether SEO is right for you?

SEO: Yes or No?

You first want to remember that SEO is not a medium of “one size fits all.”

Before you jump head first into the SEO pool, take a step back and get the answers to these questions below:

  1. How do consumers typically find your business? Are search engines the primary source consumers use to find you, or are they more likely to utilize such Social Media avenues as Tik Tok, Facebook, or Instagram? Though SEO benefits the most, social media may be the way to go for initial customer awareness.
  2. Is your business new to the internet? When your business is new and unknown on the web, SEO or the option of paid ads could both be beneficial in boosting brand awareness.
  3. Are you under a time crunch? It could take 3-6 months to see results. If you need results sooner, paid ads might be the way to go.
  4. Do you have a marketing budget in place? You can’t invest in SEO without a budget. Don’t fall for those “cheap SEO” ads, either. What often is advertised as cheap will most likely produce undesirable results.
  5. Where’s your focus – new or existing customers? SEO can bring in new customers, but you don’t want to forget the opportunities for existing customers. Loyal consumers allow you the ability to sell to them again. You need to decide which area to focus on.

If you are still undecided whether SEO is the right step for you, let’s look at a few other advantages it can offer.

Benefits of Utilizing SEO

SEO is a crucial digital marketing strategy because it allows you to grow your audience. There are various ways to get your name up further in search queries through conceptualized keywords, headers, and even web design.

Not only can SEO help you increase organic traffic, but it can offer some of the other following benefits:

Offline Sales: Many people will check out a business’s online site before entering its physical location. They will compare pricing and availability and read customer reviews. Therefore, a strong SEO strategy has the capability to increase your offline sales.

Long-Term Strategy: SEO has the potential to continue growing brand awareness and attracting new visitors, even as the markets fluctuate. Staying on top of trending keywords and natural links and optimizing page content can keep you a step ahead of your competition.

Understanding Your Audience: How to communicate with your target audience will guide you to better understand their wants and needs. SEO is a tool to help analyze your market trends and shifts, but SEO data can give you a better understanding of consumer habits and purchasing behavior.

SEO Supports Content Marketing: Alongside pertinent keywords, creating helpful content for your consumer (texts, videos, and high quality images) will increase the odds of your site ranking higher in search engines. Changing your content regularly and keeping up to date with new trends can also gain more exposure to your brand.

Conversely, a poorly executed SEO strategy can be detrimental to your business.

For example, though you may rank higher in the search engines, a slow loading site will see the consumer abandon you for another site more often than not. 

You also need to make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices, not just desktops, or you will also lose out on new traffic.

Link strategy and original content also play a role in SEO. Though both may be time consuming, it is well spent to keep your brand higher up in the SEO ranks.

SEO has the ability to produce long-term exponential growth for any business but should be weighed out first before going full speed ahead.

You need to understand where your current focus lies and how you see your business unfolding in the long term.

Remember, an SEO strategy doesn’t need to be developed strictly within the company. Hiring a seasoned digital marketing agency can be cost effective by saving time and producing the results you’re looking for while keeping within your marketing budget.


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